- OBSERVATION POST: We review the first Bolt Action: Third Edition army book and some extremely detailed Victrix Medieval cavalry in this month's OP.
- RELEASE RADAR: Dom Sore mans our early alert system, keeping an eye on all the exciting wargaming goodies on the way.
- QUICK FIRE: Short, quick-read posts from WI readers about their hobby projects, notes, news, and observations.
- PAINTING THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES: Simon Tofield, who has completed hundreds of amazing Middle-earth figures over the last decade or so, shares his painting and modelling techniques.
- THE PEASANTS ARE REVOLTING: Ruckus creator Mike Peters presents a piece on peasants, complete with rule explanations, tactical suggestions, and a new scenario in which they are the main event!
- A CENTURY-SPANNING BUILD...: Matt Parkes details a Sarissa MDF kit to fit a whole range of historical periods.
- "BOYS, THE BULLETS ARE COMING IN LIKE HAIL": Chris Swan takes us to Johnson County, 1892, scene of one of the most notorious battles in the Wild West, and great fodder for a gunslinging wargame!
- THE ROAD GOES EVER ON: Not content with his own The Lord of the Rings terrain trilogy, Mark Clayton's back with more model-making and musings from Middle-earth!
- TOMBSTONE: Paul Mackay devotes some time at the hobby desk to figures inspired by his favourite film rendition of the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
- THE ENGLISH CIVIL WAR IN V&F: Michael Allen presents two fan-made Army Sheets for Valour & Fortitude, taking the rules back to England’s green and not-so-pleasant land of the 17th Century.
- SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL: Pete Brown finds some unlikely inspiration when looking to form a new Renaissance warband.
- THE BIG BATTLEMAT THROWDOWN: Taking full advantage of the WI Wargames Sponsorship Scheme, a group of Worcester wargamers add a selection of battlemats to their club armoury.
- MATCHLOCKS 1672: French vs Dutch tabletop action in the Low Countries, using the Never Mind the Matchlocks rules and the North Star 1672 range of figures.
- EPIC ALTERATIONS: Kelly Sherwood tells us about his Epic figure collection and why he converted every stand of figures into three ranks!
- PREPPING PRINTED TERRAIN PIECES: Matt Parkes gets a 3D-printed Medieval/fantasy building ready for painting.
Warlord Games