The art of war of the eastern and southern parts of Europe is truly a feast for the seventeenth-century warfare enthusiast. Unlike the largely similar armies of Western Europe, each army of this region had a distinct character - not only in terms of particular types of units, uniforms, equipment, but also in tactics and organization. Modern ways of warfare intermingle here with military traditions dating back to the Middle Ages, creating a unique conglomerate.
Living on the Black Sea steppes, the Tatars rely on the maneuverability and mobility of their unparalleled light cavalry, showering enemies with a hail of arrows. The Cossacks, on the other hand, rely almost exclusively on their well-trained infantry, eager to use fortified wagons in defense. Transylvania's main striking force is the hard-hitting charge of lance-armed cavalry, supported by light cavalry and infantry formations that vary greatly in dress, equipment, and method of recruitment. The two regional powers, the Ottoman Empire and the Tsardom of Muscovy, have in common the ability to field huge armies, overwhelming the enemy with their numbers. Both states have access to a wide range of units capable of filling different roles on the battlefield. The Turks, however will seek to engage the enemy in close quarters and hope to break them with thundering charges and flanking maneuvers, while the Muscovites prefer to employ more cautious tactics and to exhaust the enemy.
This book contains rules for the armies of the Ottoman Empire, the Principality of Transylvania, the Crimean Khanate, the Cossacks, and the Tsardom of Muscovy. Herein you will find unit profiles, Army Lists, and special rules for the aforementioned factions. All this is accompanied by rich historical descriptions of herein presented armies and their components, as well as richly illustrated with pictures of actual miniatures provided by Wargamer.
- 5 unique factions
- Army lists for Skirmish and Task Force levels
- Unit and Group profiles
- Special rules and Attachments
- Historical background
Wargamer Konrad Sosiński