2x Wallachian cavalry S
1x Wallachian cavalry M
3x Polish dragoons S
3x Polish dragoon M
3x Cossack style cavalry S
4x Cossack style cavalry M
2x Cossack style cavalry with spears S
1x Cossack style cavalry with spears M
2x Pancerni S
1x Pancerni M
1x Pancerni with spears S
1x Pancerni with spears M
1x Volunteers S
1x Volunteers M
1x Winged hussars S
1x Winged hussars M
2x Haiduks S
1x Haiduks M
2x Tatar cavalry S
1x Tatar cavalry M
1x Colonel
1x Rotamaster
2x Petyhorcy S
2x Petyhorcy M
1x Petyhorcy with lances S
1x Petyhorcy with lances M
1x Light cannon battery S
1x Mercenary Infantry M
2x Musketeer squadron M
1x Mercenary reiters S
1x Mercenary reiters M
1x Mercenary armored reiters S
1x Mercenary armored reiters M
Wargamer Konrad Sosiński