- OBSERVATION POST: This month's reviews include Wargames Atlantic plastics, Dead Man's Hand cowboy scatter, Oathmark characters, and interwar MDF kits.
- RELEASE RADAR: Dom Sore's here to tell us about a stack of new and upcoming releases.
- QUICK FIRE: Short, quick-read posts from Wi readers about their hobby projects, notes, news, and observations.
- THEME: BIG SCREEN TO SMALL BOARD: Want to translate your favourite movie or TV show to the tabletop? Pete Brown's here to help you out.
- SALUTE 51: PIRATE PAINTING: WI Painter extraordinaire Matt Parkes applies brushwork to preview versions of this year's Salute show minis.
- THEME: RIDLEY SCOTT AT AUSTERLITZ: Colonel (Retired) Bill Gray compares two very different versions of Austerlitz. One is seen through a historical lens, the other, through the lens of director Ridley Scott’s Arri digital movie camera.
- DESIGNER'S NOTES: THE WARPAINTS FANATIC STORY: We're very impressed with The Army Painter's new Fanatic paints and asked Adam Abramowicz to shine a light on the development of such an expansive range.
- THEME: DJINS FROM THE DUNES (SAS ROGUE HEROES): Glenn Clarke takes TV inspiration from SAS Rogue Heroes and drives out into the Egyptian sands during WWII.
- DESIGNER'S NOTES: CELTIC FRINGE AND MONTROSE: Paul Reynolds provides a guide to two new For King and Parliament supplements, which he has co-written with two other enthusiasts of these popular 17th Century rules.
- THEME: FROM SPEC OPS TO COD: Matt Parkes builds iconic Call of Duty characters from Warlord Games' Special Operations team frame, and we probe how other video game offerings can inspire our tabletop warfare.
- DESIGNER'S NOTES: ACHTUNG PANZER!: Mike Bradford, author of Warlord Games' new rules Achtung Panzer!, tells us about the development and mechanics of this new "skirmish"-level tank battle game.
- THEME: HOME GUARD HEROES: Paul Mackay examines the Home Guard in history and in the classic BBC comedy series Dad's Army, then shows how he painted his troops in miniature.
- PAINTING POLISH PLASTICS: James continues his experiments with Army Painter's new Fanatic range and paints a couple of the new Perry Miniatures Duchy of Warsaw infantry.
- THEME: GENRE HOPPING WITH 7TV THE 80S: 7TV: The 80s lead writer, Helena Nash, provides insight into the design process of the popular skirmish game's latest Genre Guide.
- DESIGNER’S NOTES: 'ALALA!: Simon MacDowall talks about the development and playtesting of his new ruleset for Greek hoplite battles.
- JACK ALEXANDER OBITUARY: Bob Black bids a fond farewell to his friend Jack Alexander who, through his Jacklex range, was one of the early icons of miniature making.
Warlord Games