Uniformed ranks of infantry, bathed in smoke from musket salvos, with a forest of pikes swaying above them, this perhaps is the first image that comes to mind when one thinks of European warfare in the 17th century.
Such image is only partially true. In the vast areas of Central Europe, it was impossible to wage a military action without large numbers of reiters and dragoons. In addition, each army developed specific ways of fighting.
When forced to be on the defensive, Danes employ active guerrilla warfare. In the armies of Brandenburg and Prussia, you will find numerous levy formations while in Imperial service, Croatian light cavalry fight alongside disciplined cuirassiers. The Swedish army consists of both domestic troops and experienced mercenaries from all over Europe. The army of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, with its excellent cavalry, combining the best features of Western and Eastern military, is truly unique.
This book contains rules for the armies of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Kingdom of Denmark and Norway, the Electorate of Brandenburg and Prussia, and the Holy Roman Empire.
Here you will find unit profiles, army lists and special rules for the aforementioned factions. In addition, the manual also contains rules for mercenary troops, which are used by all armies of this region of Europe. All of this is accompanied by rich historical descriptions of herein presented armies and their components, as well as richly illustrated with pictures of actual miniatures provided by Wargamer.
- 5 unique factions
- Rules for mercenary troops
- Army lists for Skirmish and Task Force levels
- Unit and Group profiles
- Special rules and Attachments
- Historical background
Wargamer Konrad Sosiński